Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What's it feel like to be a LadyHawk?

We went “up north” with family and friends last month to a lodge that has a large kitchen, nine bedrooms, a dinning room, living room with lots of tables for playing cards and doing puzzles, a deck that overlooks a small river filled with brown trout, all within the middle of hundreds of acres of forest.

My granddaughter, who is 9 years old, and her cousin were running around the cabin playing tag, chasing bugs, finding mushrooms, and generally being kids in the country. Some of us “grown ups” were lounging on the deck telling funny stories from years ago and generally solving all of the problems of the world.

I noticed the two kids whispering to each other playing a little game of “you go”, “no, you go”, “no, you go”, “no, let’s draw straws”. Well my great-nephew drew the short straw, or rather piece of hay, and came trotting up to me. “Can I ask you a question?” he said to me.
“Of course you can” I replied.
“What is it like being a LadyHawk?”
*** *** ***
Well, you can imagine this took be aback for a moment. I honestly didn’t know what to say, so to stall for a minute I started by saying “Well, first of all there aren’t very many of us.” This because he called me “A LadyHawk”, like there were more than one of us. And there just might be more LadyHawks around; who knows?
I finally answered “It feels great being a LadyHawk because I make other people feel better. That’s the best part of all.”
He seemed fully satisfied with that answer and trotted back to my granddaughter to discuss it with her.

I’m still trying to figure it out.

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