Monday, October 22, 2007

Vacation for mental health

Head on over to my “Imaginary Maggie Knits!” blog for some entertainment on my current vacation.

My family often took vacations together, and not only are vacations good for family health, they're also necessary for mental health. My father always told me the same thing he told every employee he had: Go on vacations! You have to have something to look forward to, otherwise you become encompassed by your work and your life is, well, stale, to put it nicely. It doesn’t matter if you go 2000 miles away or 20 miles away. If you can’t afford a fancy vacation then borrow a tent from your neighbor or your cousin, grab the kids, and head off to the nearest state park for the weekend. Not only will you get to know your family better, you’ll certainly meet some neat people.

That being said, head on over to and live vicariously through me until you can get on the road yourself.

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